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2025 Bennington 27 RXSBAT2 #924915

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  • 2025 Bennington 27 RXSBAT2 #924915

Included Options

Gemini black panel color

Shiraz purple accent panel

Black canvas

Phantom breeze base vinyl

Blackout package

Tower/Arch primary panel color

Cladded power arch

Trim accent zebrawood slate matte

Shoreline grey flooring

M1 speaker sub, dual amp

Black corvina steering wheel

Graphite console

LED cupholders

Exterior side lights

Underwater lights

Cladded arch double bimini

Phantom simtex interior accent

Pillowtop diamond stitched interior

Luxury swingback rail keeper

Deluxe swingback

Arctic ice white embroidery package

Bow pop up cleats

SS rubrail

Twin engine rigging

Center storage tube

Twin engine joystick

Vivid 12 display

Simrad 9 display

Ski pylon x 2

Joystick Control Steering System

Your eye for excellence and aversion to compromise are true to spec. How do we know? Because we are built the same way. Your drive to exceed expectations at every opportunity - it's what makes us who we are, as well.

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2025 Bennington 27 RXSBAT2 #924915 inventory image at Sun Country Marine Group, Irvine
2025 Bennington 27 RXSBAT2 #924915 inventory image at Sun Country Marine Group, Irvine
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Sun Country Marine Group, Irvine

17092 Pullman Street (Orange Country on the 55) Irvine, CA